Addiction Counselling

Counselling for addiction provides you with the safe opportunity to come to terms with the reality of the addiction cycle and to begin healing. Inside these counselling sessions, you will begin to learn a number of new tools and strategies for dealing with the addiction process in a safe and confidential non-judgemental setting. Addiction recovery and counselling sessions will equip you with distinct coping mechanisms that will enable you to deal with everyday stressors that drive addiction.

According to cognitive therapy, the addicted person's way of thinking can play a big role in their addiction. Personal beliefs and expectations are just two factors that have been found by researchers to be linked with addictive behaviour. For instance, if a patient interprets their use as an unhealthy pattern of action from which one can learn, they are more likely to experiment with personal growth than in the situation where he or she considers themselves "a victim". Thus, the initial task of cognitive therapy is to reshape a rigid interpretation and make it more flexible.

Cognitive therapy can help people with substance abuse problems in at least three ways: 1) by reducing the frequency and intensity of cravings by undermining these sustaining beliefs, increasing self-understanding.

Because addictive behaviour is repetitive, it automates in the subconscious mind and therefore requires cognitive awareness-raising about one’s own drug use. It's also essential to develop alternative coping skills and pursue a lifestyle where other behaviours are not subordinate to substance abuse. Some people find it easier to stop drinking for a short time than maintain sobriety or controlled drinking. Cognitive therapy has led to the development of treatment programs that help those with substance abuse stay within the change goals they have set. It is important consideration factors predisposing to relapsing in therapy and are taken into account so as not to hinder success in recovery It can often be difficult for some individuals who deal with alcohol problems, and addictions, but cognitive therapies offer effective treatments options (though there is always room to improve on what exists). The process begins when an individual sets out clear changes he/she wants him/herself to make - like staying sober more consistently or limiting how much one drinks.

Cognitive therapy was initially developed as a treatment for depression, but since then it has also been adapted to meet the needs of patients with substance abuse problems. In South Africa, cognitive therapy has been used more widely in the treatment of substance abuse problems since the mid-1980s.